15 min
Initial consultation
Let’s chat! It’s important to find a counsellor that is the right fit for you. We will talk about what counselling could do for you, what expectations we can achieve together, and answer any questions you might have.
50 min
One-on-one counselling
This time slot will be reserved solely for you. All counselling sessions will be conducted through a secure online platform or telephone.
Fees reflect industry standard recommended by the British Columbia Association of Clinical Counsellors.
Accepted Payment Options
Payments can be made via interact e-transfer to info@flowcounselling.ca or credit cards (Visa, Mastercard, American Express) through the Jane app, an encrypted billing platform. Payment is due within 48 hours of service.
Sliding Scale
For individuals who are facing financial barriers or have a low income, I understand the importance of making counselling accessible. I am committed to supporting those in need, and as such, I offer a limited number of sliding scale sessions.
**Please note the sliding scale spots are full. Please email me to join the waitlist.

Many extended health benefit plans will reimburse you for the services of a Registered Clinical Counsellor (RCC).
Examples of extended health coverage providers:
Pacific Blue Cross
Sun Life Insurance
Great West Life
Green Shield
Canada Life
Please check your plan's details to see if you are covered by a Registered Clinical Counsellor prior to the first session. If your plan covers you for counselling services, you will pay for the cost of the session in full, and then submit your receipt (will be provided to you) to your extended health care provider for reimbursement.
Student Extended Health Benefits
Many universities and colleges extended health coverage for students include counselling services. Please refer to the student care website, enter your school, and search under the health tab for your university/college to find your specific extended health coverages.
Crime Victim Assistance Program
If you have been a victim or witness of a crime in British Columbia, you may be eligible to receive counselling sessions at no cost to you through the Crime Victim Assistance Program. You do not have to wait for charges to be laid or a conviction before applying for benefits.
I am an approved service provider with the Crime Victim Assistance Program (CVAP). Please submit your application to CVAP to determine your eligibility. Once your application is approved by CVAP, you will be provided with a copy of the decision outlining your eligibility and number of counselling sessions. Please provide your official claim number and a statement that indicates the number of approved sessions prior to your first session.
There may also be additional counselling benefits available through CVAP due to recent changes. For more information, please contact Crime Victim Assistance Program at 604-660-3888 (toll free 1-866-660-3888).